How to Make Twitter Work for Your Business

Twitter for business


At one point in time, Twitter was considered a social media outlet for people to broadcast their lives down to the last detail. Though in some cases, that’s still its use, it is now one of the most efficient outlets for a business to gain brand awareness and traffic to their website. Not only does it increase brand awareness, but it allows for simple brand reputation management. The better your brand interacts on sites like Twitter, the better its reputation. If you’re wondering how to make Twitter work for your business, you must follow some basic steps to see success.

  1. Define your content and tweeting strategy: Decide what message you want your brand to convey. What does your business stand for? Why should it be peoples’ industry resource? It’s not the easiest task to fit such a strong message in 140 characters. It’s important to note that Google now indexes tweets in Google search results, per the new Google and Twitter deal announced back in February. To succeed, you must develop a plan. Within that plan you must develop tweets that are both informative and easy to read. Some basic tips to enhance your tweets include:
    • Add photos to your tweets
    • Add videos to your tweets
    • Add Infographics to your tweets
    • Link to enjoyable articles and mention the author by Twitter username
    • Retweet leading industry resources
    • Post at different times of the day
    • Utilize hashtags (but don’t overuse)
  1. Grow followers: Even if you have an abundant amount of original content to share, you must always share content from other industry resources. It’s important to involve other businesses and people because it shows your business is genuinely invested in the industry and not just on Twitter to showcase their company. Follow industry resources and regularly interact with them. Once you’ve followed a good amount of accounts, see who follows these industry resources and follow them too! Additionally, you should follow any clients or customers that make themselves known- this shows you don’t just care about new customers, but your current customers, too. Another good tactic is to utilize is hashtags. Look through hashtags that are relevant to your company. For example, if you’re a property management company, look up the hashtag #apartmenthunting and choose the option “near you” and find/follow people who are looking for apartments in your market! This leads to new followers that are in your target market.
  2. Engage followers: Once you’ve followed relevant users, and relevant users have followed you, interact with them! Retweet and favorite their tweets, reply to their mentions, and just reach out to them! Showing that your brand has real people behind it makes users more likely to be interested in your product or service. Your business will be seen as both more accessible and relatable to customers by involving them in conversations.
  3. Measure results and optimize: If you always post tweets at noon on Mondays and Thursdays, test out tweeting at different times on different days of the week and see the metrics and results. Figure out which times work best for your business and never stop testing and optimizing. There is no golden rule for what times to post on Twitter, as it really just depends on your industry and current events (and your following!). Different tools like Hootsuite or Kapost help to measure analytics more in-depth than what Twitter offers, and allow for better optimization. The more your business optimizes, the better your strategy becomes.

Your business must maintain a positive and robust presence on all social media outlets, including Twitter.

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