4 SEO Fails that are Easy to Avoid

4 seo fails to avoid

When it comes to Search Engine Optimization, there are a few practices which you should definitely avoid. Some are obvious, others aren’t so obvious. Here are four SEO practices you need to avoid:

Incorrect Keywords

Keywords are crucial for SEO campaigns. If you use the wrong keywords, there are a couple of things that will happen. From the incorrect keywords, you’ll get traffic to your site, but it will be the wrong kind of traffic. You want relevant visitors to your site, not ones who are there on accident or spam. Additionally, the keywords may bring qualified traffic, but if they are inconsistent or just randomly placed in your content, those visitors will leave your site and go elsewhere. Instead, take the time to do in-depth research and find the correct, targeted keywords that will entice visitors to come to your website and stay there.

Inconsistent Content

After specifying your keywords, you need to decide what your key content will be. Your content must align with your target keywords, audience and overall SEO campaign objectives. If your content doesn’t match these other factors and isn’t of good quality, Google will give it low priority or completely ignore it all together. Visitors also may click on your organic link but leave the website immediately if they believe your content is off the mark. To avoid these scenarios, make sure your keywords have dedicated pages that are easily accessible from your website’s home page. Also, don’t be afraid to link to other pages throughout your website. You can be sure to have high quality content by either assigning a content writer or outsourcing an experienced third party writer. Whatever you decide, be sure not to keyword stuff. Keyword stuffing is when you just repeat keywords for the sake of having them in your content, and Google will notice and rank you lower because of it.

Missing Calls-To-Actions

Generating more traffic to increase leads to ultimately gain more sales is the goal for any SEO campaign. But if you don’t have a clear and concise call-to-action for your customers, how will they know what to do? Whether you’re B2B or B2C, you need a call-to-action on every page. That being said, the call-to-action should be broad in regards to your services. This means that, for example, instead of offering 10% off of a specific product, you offer 10% off of all products until a certain date. You also need to craft your website to be appealing to visitors at every stage of the buying process. This means that someone who is on your site and ready to buy can contact a sales rep easily, or someone on your website who is researching can download a PDF with more information about your services.

No Analytics

Analytics are crucial because without them, how can you track your campaign? Your website needs a tracking code of sorts so you can see which landing pages are the most popular, which keywords bring in the most traffic, where your visitors are traveling to on your site, how they’re getting to your site, etc. Enlisting the help of an outsourced SEO agency comes in handy especially when it comes to tracking your SEO efforts.

Our team at Traffic Jams consists of SEO specialists who can assist you with any aspect of your SEO strategy. Call us today at (855) 599-9998 or email sales@trafficjams.com .


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