How to Use Facebook to Your Advantage

use facebook to your advantage, post at the right days and times

Facebook, the social media giant that now has over one billion users. This is a huge audience and as a business, you need to be able to leverage your Facebook page to your advantage. As Search Engine Optimization (SEO) becomes more popular and important, web crawlers from Google, Bing, Yahoo!, etc. take your social media into consideration. Google, for example, rates Facebook activity and takes into consideration the amount of likes, shares and comments your page has. So, how can you optimize your Facebook page to be search-engine friendly?

Share blog post links on your Facebook page

A great way to boost engagement on your Facebook page is by posting your blog links onto the page. Included in the post, you should give a snippet of the blog as a teaser to entice people to travel to your website to read the read. This snippet can be a quote, short description or question.

Employee Testimonials

On business Facebook pages, there’s a designated spot for reviews. You can encourage your employees to leave (positive!) reviews about working for the company if they would like to. Obviously this is an optional idea for them to do, but getting happy employees to express how great it is to work at your company is beneficial for recruiting and for clients to see.

Share newsworthy/industry-related articles

Keep your customers and fans up-to-date with the latest in your industry by posting newsworthy articles. It’ll make for great engagement and you’ll become a trusted source for news.

Show off your products or services

On Facebook, you can post videos, pictures and sound clips. With these, you can show off your product or service while giving fans a firsthand look at your company. Just remember to upload videos directly to Facebook, since Facebook favors its own videos and not YouTube.

Do you need help managing your Facebook page? Contact Traffic Jams today at (855) 599-9998 or to speak with one of our Social Media consultants.


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