Small Business Guide To SEO

It’s pretty obvious that choosing the proper office location the most crucial element for any local business owner. Being easy to find is critical—and it’s really no different on the Internet. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes into play.

In general search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing act like a virtual librarian, they file all your web pages, blog posts, images, videos and social media accounts in a massive library in cyberspace. Optimizing your website is simply the process of telling the search engines where to file everything; so that when your prospective clients or customers are searching for what you have to offer they can find you easily.

Take into account that search engines are also personalizing a trillion search results based on 200 other variables, of which includes the location of the person searching. This is a big plus for local small businesses or startups, you no longer have to compete with large conglomerates on search engines anymore; it’s becoming increasingly easy for you to position your website in a way that will get you noticed by Google

After all...

  • Google owns 65-70% of the search engine market share.
  • 93% of user-programed homepages are search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo.
  • 75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results.
  • SEO leads have a 14.6% close rate, while outbound leads (such as direct mail or print advertising) have a 1.7% close rate.

Now is the time for small businesses and startups to get into the SEO game.

At Traffic Jams, we are dedicated to helping people find your business, so that you can focus on what’s important to you: running your business. Contact us today for a complimentary consultation and learn how we can help you rev up your SEO.