Category Archives: Lead Generation

Marketing Automation: Must Have or Maybe Not?

The key to a successful marketing strategy is to create solutions for your specific business. What will work best for you? And how?  These are questions your marketers should address before implementing any tool in a marketing strategy.  Marketing automation is a tool that many think dominates the marketing mix.  As leads become more frequent and harder to keep track of, marketing automation is a popular option for marketers to turn to.  It’s is used by companies of all shapes and sizes and may seem like the holy grail of marketing, but it’s important to know the basics before you leap in. Read more

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10 Ways to Boost Your Lead Generation Campaign

Lead generation is the lifeline to your business.  It’s the generation of interest in the form of clicks, views or inquiry of some form that create revenue.  They can be created for multiple purposes, but leads are difficult to effectively pull off.  Original and clever content and design must be incorporated into campaign plans to generate effective leads.  Make sure your lead generation campaign integrates some of these tactics to ensure success. Read more

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5 Tips to Turn Your Website Into A Lead Generating Machine

lead generation for blogs

Maybe you’ve heard the analogy that a having a website for your business is like a having a 24 hour salesperson that works (almost) for free and never sleeps. It’s always on, always selling your products, even when the office lights are out and everyone has gone home for the night. Sounds pretty amazing, doesn’t it? Read more

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